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We have arrived, folks, to the most well-known and desired domain name of all time. I mean, come on, it’s so simple, so straightforward. And it hosts one of the best porn-related sites I’ve come across. Can it be better? Sure, but for that it is it’s still hugely popular and profitable.

Equally interesting is how came to be. Basically, to not bore you with details, os that Gary Kremen, the founder of registered this domain in 1995 but managed to do nothing with it. Makes you think, right? How the hell do you accomplish something like this? Anyway, while he did squat with it, another guy, Stephen M. Cohen persuased Network Solutions (where Kremen registered the domain) to give it to him and they did. Of course Kremen took them to court and won. Still, despite winning it, Kremen sold the domain and it was bought with $14 milion. It only became the we know and love today somewhere in 2012.

Ok, what do you need to know about it? Simply put, is the Pinterest of porn. You get a board where you can save and pin gifs, videos, and photos of all the porn stuff you want. You can create multiple pinboards of course and organize them to your liking and you can interact with people who love the same things as you. It’s kind of both Pinterest and a sort of Twitter too because people have profiles there and post as they would on any other social media.

Apperance-wise is minimalistic and looks very much like Pinterest the only difference being that uses pages while on Pinterest you can scroll to infinity and beyond. It also has a menu bar where you can jump easily through the content. If you want only gifs, or only videos or only pics you can have just that on your feed. Or you can sort by “Popular this Week,” “Popular this Month,” “Popular this Year,” “Popular All Time,” or “Latest Pins.” You’ll also find the same dropdown menu for “Pics” and “Gifs.”

When it comes to ads and pop-ups there are non to be found. So you can browse to your heart’s content without a care in the world. Oh and it runs like a dream on both mobile devices and PC so need to worry there as well.

Speaking of its social media side, on if you’ve come across some delicious porn content you can share with everyone to see or you can even upload pics of yourself or vids anything is possible and real if you want it to. Despite this level of interaction in the broader sense, does not have a DM option so even though you might find like-minded individuals or sexy gals you cannot message them or follow them or anything. Which is a shame really.

Bottomline is if you want to make your own pinboards with porn stuff you love and share with others is the best place to be. It’s ad free, it has a clean design, it’s choke-full of content. What more could you want?

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